About this Training Course

Countries around the world are focusing on ramping up their solar photovoltaic (PV) production capacity as part of their efforts to decarbonize power generation. Floating solar farms (FPVs) indeed offer a promising solution to address the issue of limited land availability for traditional PV power plants and offer major operational advantages, despite some challenges they present.

The course builds on several pillars:

Global Shift Towards Sustainable Energy: Many countries are increasing their solar PV production capacity to transition to sustainable energy sources and reduce carbon emissions. This transition is seen as a crucial step in addressing climate change and ensuring a cleaner and greener energy future. The course provides a comprehensive, holistic overview of the key aspects related to FPVs and inverter-based PV systems, emphasizing their role in the global transition to sustainable and decarbonized power generation. It reflects the ongoing efforts to harness renewable energy sources and reduce the carbon footprint of the power sector

Architecture and Operation of Floating Solar Farms (FPVs): FPVs are an innovative approach to overcome land constraints. These systems involve installing PV panels on water bodies such as lakes, reservoirs, and ponds, utilizing otherwise unused space. FPVs can provide a significant amount of electricity while minimizing the environmental impact.Challenges of Land Availability: Traditional PV power plants often require extensive land areas, which can be a challenge in countries with limited available land. This limitation is a driving factor behind the adoption of floating solar solutions. The course focuses on the architecture, controls and the specific features of floating structures from maintenance to financing.

Inverter-Based Resources: Inverter-based PV generators play a crucial role in integrating solar energy into the grid. They provide various functions, including voltage support, frequency response, regulation (droop response), reactive power compensation, and maintaining power quality. These capabilities are essential for the reliable and stable integration of solar power into the grid. The flexibility of the invertor-based resources facilitates a higher penetration of floating or land PVs, Battery Electricity Storage Systems (BESS) and demand response. 

Relevant case studies and applicable standards: This training course focuses on FPVs, covering various aspects such as architecture, controls, maintenance, and financing. It draws examples primarily from ASEAN countries, where FPVs have gained increasing popularity, as well as hybrid projects  in Canada and the United States, which combine PV installations with hydroelectric reservoirs. Recommended practices, applicable internaational standards are discussed that provide guidance for the design, operation and maintenance of floating PV structures.

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