This magazine breathes Africa – from the cover story via the seismic foldouts to our feature stories and columns. And it is for a reason, because we will bring this issue to Africa Oil Week.
Before we discuss Namibia, Ian Cross makes a case for governments to introduce open door policies with regards to attracting majors to carry out exploration campaigns. Increased competition for just a handful of players is behind this, and it comes with a call for high-quality subsurface data when establishing a data room.
Our cover story discusses the Namibia deep-water hotspot, where the massive finds have not only yielded enthusiasm, but also some doubts when it comes to reservoir quality and gas content. We look at these things a bit more, whilst also illustrating Namibia’s deep-water play with yet another sketch from Marcos Asensio.
Peter Elliott’s story around Africa’s exploration hotspot in Ivory Coast is a great overview of how decades of exploration can be turned into a major success, which is nicely complemented by Viridien’s foldout on the matter.
What else can you expect from this issue? An interview with Aluka Osakwe, who grew up in Nigeria, but subsequently travelled the world and finally settled in the UK, from where she now runs her growing consultancy network. Aluka clearly represents the upcoming generation of oil and gas entrepreneurs, and she is proud of it.
And, as always, our contributors share their subsurface expertise in a wide variety of columns.
Download your copy today and stay informed on the latest developments in the industry: https://geoexpro.com/magazine/vol-21/issue-5-19/